our Services



Service includes: Water chemistry analysis, tile cleaning, vacuuming, brushing all surfaces, netting surface debris, debris removal from all skimmer and pump baskets, and backwashing filter when necessary.

water chemistry analysis

Weekly water test includes: chlorine, PH, alkalinity, calcium, and stabilizer. All related chemicals are included in the monthly service cost. Filter backwashing is also included in the service cost. We feel including these things in the cost helps bring some added value to our customers.

New Pool Startup

Congratulations on your new pool! Many pool builders require that your new pool service be professionally maintained to uphold the warranty but do not have a service department to provide service. We are here to help!

Repairs/Leak Detection

Although there are some repairs and leak detection that we don’t do, we do have trusted partners that we work with to repair or upgrade any of your needs.



Storm Clean up

We live in paradise but sometimes the weather doesn’t cooperate. If your pool has fallen victim to our ever changing weather, we can help. We offer flexible options to help get your pool back on track.

Stain Treatment/Removal

Stains can be cause by many different sources. Hard water, metals, minerals, and certain debris can all leave stains on a pool surface. Let us help determine the right course us action to remove and prevent staining to your pools surface.

The Green Pool

If you find yourself in this situation, don’t take it on alone, let us take the stress out of it for you. There are many different levels of “the green pool” but no matter how bad we can get it back into shape


We offer nets, hoses, brushes, auto vacuums, and more.